Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Classes started today!

Today was the first day of classes! So far I am loving my Advanced Programming class and we haven't really done much! My writing teacher seems very nice and down to earth and might even be reading this right now! If they are then "Hello!" to you professor. If I am using a lot of exclamation points then that is because I am exited to be back in classes. I have been very bored.

Advance programming is what I thought it would be. That is to say that is the next level of programming based of the building blocks I have already learned. Simple enough.

College Writing I is College Writing I. I hope dearly it isn't all business writing. I love to write but I hate being constrained by it. Writing is an art form and it should be expressed as such.

Life Cycles of Software is an interesting class. So far I have learned to call myself a Software Engineer and not a Programmer. Got that? I engineer software because I am a software engineer. I will never program software again!

Operating Systems I am still very vague on. I get the IDEA of operation systems but I don't get what I will learn. Hopefully after taking this class I will be able to rewrite hangman so it runs on most computers instead of just on Windows Vista Ultimate 32 Bit.

I really need to rebuild my computer before I start doing full scale video games. I don't think I am ready to render worlds never mind plat-formers on this thing. Here is hoping I can rebuilt this thing for Christmas.

I really want Windows 7. I had the beta installed on my laptop and I loved every moment of it! Sadly it will be awhile before I get around to getting it. I need to make sure Visual Studio and VMachine work on 7 before I can commit my Desktop to it. Wouldn't it be ironic if the software that creates computers couldn't run on a computer? The irony would kill me.

Is there anybody out there? Feel free to comment as it feels a little lonely out here on the vast internets.
- A. R. McGowan.

just another brick in the wall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bovice says hewwo and he loves you and he wants me to leave so i can see you

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